Thursday, 27 June 2013

Gravely Inanimated: A Tale of Woe and Romance (Zombiepunk Series) Book Review

Author: Esther Wheelmaker
Date of Publication: March 27, 2013 (Kindle)
Publisher: Third Broom on the Left Press
Pages: 205
Genre: YA, Steam Punk
Paperback or Kindle: Both

Fiery Fantasy Thoughts

Lucile knight is a young girl living in Victorian times in England with a difference...

London has been invaded by zombies and although the Queen's army try to fend off these deadly creatures, they're increasing population is making it harder for the soldiers to control.

With the British public fearing what could happen day by day, some individuals have taken it upon themselves to hunt the zombies such as hunter, Aeron.

Arrogant, self absorbed and follows no ones rules, this bad boy saves Lucile from a zombie attack and drags her into his mysterious world.

Along with her new association with Aeron, she meets Lord Garrett Ashdown, son of inventor Earl Thomas and with one hiding his a ghastly secret and the other concealing his identity, she finds herself wondering which is less dangerous.

When I read the summary of this book I was intrigued by the Voodoo queen aspect mixing with the zombies and wanted to find out more.

I have never read 'Steam Punk' so I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised.

The description skills were very good, however I did feel that sometimes I was being told the story instead of being allowed to use my imagination.

I was very excited by the Voodoo spin on the story, however I wasn't sure why the Voodoo Queen wanted to summon the zombies and create havoc in London. I found this out towards the end of the story and I must admit I was a little underwhelmed at her reasons for creating this invasion.

I was also unsure about the romance as from chapter one it did feel a little predictable (spunky girl trying to get home, gets attacked by a group of zombie and is saved by an arrogant hero who follows her home to make sure she is safe but she does not appreciate but obsesses over why she has such strong feelings of hate towards even though this is her first encounter with him?) and I was routing for a different romance but it was a little cliche for me.

I did like the zombies, the Victorian references and who doesn't love a book set in London but with a few changes and improving on the reasons behind the Voodoo Queen's zombie invasion I think I could love it.

With all these points in mind, I give it a healthy 3 out of 5 wings and thank Esther Wheelmaker for introducing me to the 'Steam Punk' genre.

Disclaimer: This book was given to FF Book Reviews as a review copy and was provided to us in exchange for a fair and honest review. There was no monetary exchange for this review. The free book held no determination on our personal review.

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