Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Twilight Book Review

Author: Stephenie Meyer
Date of Publication: March 22, 2007 (Paperback)
Publisher: Atom; New Ed edition
Pages: 464
Genre: YA, Paranormal Romance
Paperback or Kindle: Both

Fiery Fantasy Thoughts

Bella Swan is a shy, reclusive girl, who reluctantly moves to the gloomy town of Forks to live with her dad. As well as the usual teenage issues with starting a new school and having to make new friends, she has to cope with her attraction to someone who seems to initially hate her - Edward Cullen.

He is one of five Cullens who also attend the school - keeping themselves to themselves in a ‘Children of the Damned’ type of way but they are all beautiful and mysteriously cool. As time goes on, Edward and Bella are drawn together more and more, but she is also realising her suspicions that Edward is not all what he seems. As their love develops, Bella discovers that Edward and the rest of the Cullens are vampires, but are attempting to deny their true nature. The problem is, not all vampires are so gentle, as Bella finds out...

For me, it is a decent story but little more than that.  I feel if it wasn’t for all the hype from the films, it is just another paranormal romance story with the same issues as the rest.

I personally feel that Meyer's writing is clumsy at times, but is still somehow compelling enough for me to continue wanting to know what happens. I must say that the dialogue is laughable at times, but that did not deter me.

Personally, I think that the strength of the book is in the two central characters (Bella and Edward) and the memories it stirs up of first love. Because we read it from Bella’s perspective, we feel what she does and suffers along with her as she struggles to come to terms with Edward's true nature and her torn feelings for him.

Bella’s character annoyed me at times as she over analysed over the silliest things at times, but seemed to not think twice about throwing away her friends and family with her desire to become a vampire, however that was overlooked when we experienced the thrill that comes when her love is reciprocated by Edward. Anyone who has had a first love that takes there breathe (and brains) away can identify with Bella - her disappointment whenever Edward went awol, her desire to be by his side at all time and her heartache whenever he mentions the idea of leaving.

If we take all this away though we are (in theory) falling in love with a boy who stalks a girl, who goes to her house and watches her sleep and who tries to control her every move - however I am a hopeless romantic and love Edwards passion for Bella, however reading it from Bella’s perspective does make some parts a little creepy - vampire or human! lol

So, in conclusion, this is a story that, despite its many faults, I enjoyed and went onto read the sequels, however if you are looking for a fresh new paranormal romance that differs from the others on the market then I do not think that Meyer is doing anything particularly new or clever and therefore I do not think Twilight really deserves all the hype.

For these reasons I give Twilight a healthy 3 out of 5 - nothing different to other paranormal romance stories out there but it put a twinkle in my eye!

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